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  • Soft Power as Small State’s Foreign Policy Strategy: the Cases of Qatar And Singapore
Soft Power as Small State’s Foreign Policy Strategy: the Cases of Qatar And Singapore
Руководитель проекта
Ms. Hawwa Samha, MA student
The expected outcome of this entire project is to conduct a comparative analysis of Singapore and Qatar’s use of soft power to achieve their foreign policy objectives. Moreover, by comparing 2 geographically and culturally distinct small states, this research aims to identify commonalities and differences in their soft power strategies, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of this phenomenon. This project will also contribute to the existing literature by filling gap in knowledge regarding the use of soft power by small states as a foreign policy strategy. It is also expected to provide a deeper understanding of the effectiveness and challenges associated with soft power approaches in the context of small states. At last, the project is expected to be valuable for policymakers, scholars and practitioners interested in small state diplomacy and dynamics of soft power in international relations.
Команда (участники проекта)
Hawwa Samha
MA student
Трудности, извлеченные уроки
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